Saturday, March 17, 2012

Palo Alto Pizza Company Review

Way overpriced, You can get a sit down dinner for what you pay for a pizza here.. The pizza is pedestrian at best.
 Also, their fans are thugs. One, as you remember has caused me to open police case #120289505 Nick Minarik has messaged me numerous times, and recently, reviewed his own pizza restaurant, Legends Pizza.He writes his own fake reviews and then has the nards to have my honest one removed.

So, with that ethic, how can you trust the ingredients they put on your overpriced pizza?

 Palo Alto Pizza Company Alchohol License

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am trying to gather people that have been harassed and stalked by members of yelp.
I was stalked and harassed and my friend is currently being stalked, with blogs of her address, tax records, fb friends and homes she owns.
Please email me at
I am thinking lawsuit.

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