Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Golf Lesson #1 Was Awesome

What a difference lessons make. Now I just have to practice what I learned before the next lesson. I'm actually sore, for the first time, from hitting a bucket of balls. That must mean I'm using the correct muscles for the first time. I hope that's what it means anyway. Sunday Jan and I are going to practice what we've learned. Our next lesson is on Monday again.

Tonight my friend Susan is coming over to work out with me in my workout room. We have a lot to catch up on. Lots. She just joined our GNO (Girls' Night Out) which is more like Girls Gone Mild than anything, because we keep getting home before dark.

I'm looking forward to a mellow July 4th weekend, and enjoying the extra time off.

I bought my tix to go to Montana to visit my Mom in September. More Girls Gone Mild. Yee haw.

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