Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ladies' night at Reeds was fun yesterday for our monthly GNO. I took a print out of a procedure that both me and my manager hate to the range, and had all the girls shoot the shit out of it. I am bringing it back to my manager today, to hang proudly in her office. She's going to love it. Afterwrds, we went to Pedro's to enjoy the last half hour of their happy hour.

I'm posting this from my now completely wireless laptop, which I've had for 8 years. I've replaced the hard drive once, and now it has a new battery. I've had a wireless card that was presumed dead last summer when I finally tried to use it. Other's wireless laptops didn't work at my house either, so I bought a new wireless router. I couldn't get it to work either even with hours and hours on the phone with India.

Fast forward to my year of household repairs. I had to get a new heater in January. Lo and behold the heater emiitted a frequency in its dying year that interfered with my wireless. Suddenly my old laptop has an excellent signal and so do other wireless laptops. Luckily I kept my old router. I will find a use for it someday maybe.

So I get to start getting bids on a new roof. My new project. I'm going to look into solar panels also. After that, painting the house. After that, blah blah blah. It's a constant project, owning a house. Oh poor me I know.

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