Saturday, July 9, 2016

Filofax Mini Credit Card Holder Hack

I use my Filofax Mini as a wallet, and it is so damn cute. But,I could not find any Filofax inserts for my mini planner that would hold credit cards, so off to Google I went to find a hack.

I got this idea from YouTube, but went about it a different way. I bought checkbook plastic inserts for pictures at
Here's all you'll need.

I sliced them at the spine

I hole-punched them with my 6 hole Rapesco punch being careful to line the plastic just so, as the mini only has 5 holes. Luckily, the hole spacing is the same if you adjust the Rapesco by pushing the two plates together in the middle.

hole punched them
And there you have it.

So cute!

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